Experienced Professionals - FAQ's

We know you'll have a lot of questions. That's why you'd fit in here. Here are some of the most common ones, plus the answers.


Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.

For most engineering roles you will have attained 2:1 or above in a degree (or equivalent), or have a Masters or PhD in a discipline relevant to the role that you’re applying for. For some roles we will consider the experience of the applicant rather than a degree. The qualifications required for non-engineering roles will also depend on the nature and requirements of the role. Details of the specific qualifications required for each role are posted in ‘Requirements’ for that role. You can find all our current vacancies in our 'Find your new career' section.

Frazer-Nash is renowned for its ability to solve some of today’s most complex problems in engineering so we value candidates who have a creative flair for solving challenging problems. We look for innovators who can help define and drive forward the development of new services. We recruit talented individuals who will be able to translate the clients’ needs into workable strategies, influencing them with their innovative ideas.

The nature of our work means that we sometimes require staff to access Government material, it is therefore necessary for all of our employees to gain appropriate security clearance for the country in which they are working. We will apply for clearance if you have successfully been selected for a position following your second interview, and we will decide if we can successfully gain full clearance on your behalf based on the content of your application. Any offer of employment is subject to this requirement being met.

The locations for specific jobs are published on our website with the details of the vacancy. Where there is flexibility regarding office location this will be confirmed in the job details. In some instances a particular office location may be advertised as being the preferred site for the role, however, other Frazer-Nash office locations may be available for the right candidate. During the application process, we will ask you to let us know if you require any adjustments and we will adjust the process accordingly, for example, providing you with extra time to complete the task-based assessment and providing rest breaks at interview. We know that interviews can be a daunting experience and to help with this we will let you know as much information as possible prior to your interview, I.e., who you are meeting, where to go and what to expect.  

We look forward to welcoming you to Frazer-Nash and discussing your unique working preferences, ensuring that any necessary reasonable adjustments are thoughtfully considered. At Frazer-Nash, we are committed to fostering an environment of equal opportunities for all.

Although it’s not compulsory to hold a driving licence if you work at Frazer-Nash, travelling is an integral part of our business, whether such travel is for internal meetings held at one of the Frazer-Nash offices, or to meet with our customers and stakeholders. We have a number of pool cars available for business travel by staff, and staff may use hire cars or their own cars for travelling purposes. We like to ensure that travel arrangements are appropriate, safe and efficient.

We have offices throughout the UK and Australia. You can visit our contact us page to view our office locations on a map: Contact Us. We also have a portfolio of international business that our employees are involved in.

Frazer-Nash supports the community in a variety of ways. We encourage our people to actively take part in community projects taking place near Frazer-Nash offices, assisting those who might benefit from our help. We run a give as you earn scheme where voluntary contributions to local and national charitable organisations are made through payroll, and our engineers have worked with schools through various regional organisations.

Yes, we will always employ the best people regardless of ethnic origin, gender, age, marital status, disability, religion, sexual orientation or social background. Click here for more about Diversity and Inclusion at Frazer-Nash. As Frazer-Nash is involved in Government work our only consideration is that you have, or can successfully obtain, appropriate security clearance. Any offer of employment is subject to this requirement being met.

Working at Frazer-Nash means that you’ll receive an excellent benefits package and commitment from us to help you shape your career through ongoing tailored personal and professional development. We also offer a variety of accredited schemes and will support you in attaining Chartered status. For further information read our Benefits page.

We invest in our people, providing a comprehensive programme for their personal and professional development from day one. This starts with the company induction and a foundation day, run off-site by the directors, helping new recruits to gain an understanding of our business. We provide continuous career development through a programme tailored to the needs of individual roles. We help individuals work towards and achieve development goals through personal development planning and performance reviews. We also allocate mentors to provide ongoing guidance and support.

If you are working towards Chartership Frazer-Nash will support you in a variety of ways. A training plan will be established where you will be assigned a mentor to provide you with all the necessary guidance and support you need. To achieve the goals required for Chartership we will ensure that you learn a new skill set, work within another Frazer-Nash business group/office, work in a different market sector and broaden your technical experience. We will ensure that you acquire all the necessary competences during this period to successfully attain Chartership status.

Frazer-Nash will consider all requests for individuals to undertake professional qualifications. The amount of financial support and time off work given will depend on the type of qualification and the duration of the course.

Your performance and achievements will be monitored through regular performance reviews. The reviews will be used to see what personal and professional development goals you have achieved, what you are working towards, and will help you to determine and set new goals for the year ahead.

If you are performing an engineering role at Frazer-Nash you’ll provide consultancy services to clients either individually or as part of a project team. On occasion you will work on clients’ sites and will have the opportunity to work on projects from start to finish. You will help interpret clients’ technical requirements and provide creative ideas to solve any technical challenges. You will promote the activities, skills and services provided by Frazer-Nash, and you will help to drive forward the development of new services. As Frazer-Nash works in many different industries you will be encouraged to learn new skills and transfer your knowledge by working in different business areas and market sectors.

At Frazer-Nash we encourage our engineers to work in varied disciplines on projects across different industries. This ensures that our engineers can enjoy a stimulating career and develop new skills. The projects may require that work to be carried out in-house or on clients’ sites. You can read about some of the projects we have completed by reading the case studies in our Resource centre.

Some projects may require you to work on the client’s site on an ad hoc basis whilst others may require you to work on site for dedicated periods of time during the project. The frequency of visits to the site, and the duration of time spent on site depend entirely on individual project requirements.

On occasion there will be short-term or longer term secondment opportunities. These positions may be based any of our offices. The opportunities that arise will depend on project and business needs. Where appropriate Frazer-Nash employees will be made aware of these opportunities and will be given the opportunity to apply.

If clients’ sites are based abroad there will be opportunities to work from those sites, the duration of this work will depend entirely on the project requirements.

If you have indicated on your application form that you have a disability, we will contact you before the interview to see if we need to make any reasonable adjustments for you in preparation for the interview.

When you start your role at Frazer-Nash we will discuss your working arrangements with you and determine whether we need to make any reasonable physical adjustments in relation to access to and within the building. We will provide you with any special or adapted equipment that you need to help you carry out your role. Frazer-Nash is an equal opportunities employer.

For more information about a specific role you can contact our HR department by emailing cv@fnc.co.uk, or by phoning +44 (0)1306 885050. Ask to speak to a member of our HR team who can also put you in touch with a recruiting manager if they are unable to answer your initial questions.

Yes, we recruit for non-engineering roles across IT, Finance, Contracts, Marketing, Administration and HR. Vacancies will be published on our website and may also be advertised through local press or recruitment agencies depending on the response we receive.

Yes you can apply for more than one position although we would recommend that you state which position you would prefer.

We welcome people reapplying to Frazer-Nash and recognise that people develop new skills and enhance existing ones over time. In your new application you will need to demonstrate how your skills and experience have enhanced during the period between applications.

If you feel that your skills would be suitable for Frazer-Nash, but cannot find a specific vacancy to apply for, you can email a copy of your CV with a covering letter to cv@fnc.co.uk explaining how you feel your skills and experience would benefit Frazer-Nash.

We will review your speculative CV in the same way we review applications for advertised vacancies to see if your skills and experience could be used and developed at Frazer-Nash. If we think your CV highlights the type of qualities that we are looking for we will contact you and ask you to complete an application form. Once we have received this form we will schedule a first interview with you.

Once the application deadline has passed we will contact you to let you know the outcome. If you have been short listed we will contact you to arrange your first interview - Frazer-Nash carries out a two stage interview. If you have been successful at your first interview we will invite you to a second one where you will have the opportunity of meeting other people in Frazer-Nash. If you are successful following the second interview we will call you directly to convey our offer. This will be followed by a formal offer of employment for you to sign and return. Due to the nature of our work, this offer will be subject to appropriate security clearance and receipt of satisfactory references.

If you are unsuccessful after your first or second interview you can contact us by emailing cv@fnc.co.uk to ask for feedback. We will arrange for one of the recruiting managers to call you and provide you with feedback that we hope will help you in the future.

We will reimburse any reasonable travel expenses incurred when you attend your interview(s). Bring your receipts for travel costs with you on the day of the interview and we will look to reimburse you where possible before you leave. You will need our prior approval for overnight accommodation and flights if these are required. We will be happy to arrange accommodation and flights for you in this instance.